The Dental Avenue

Child’s First Dental Visit

As your Family dentist, Dental Avenue is well equipped to treat every individual in the family. As children’s health is given the highest priority in a family, we provide special attention to a child’s first dental visit. A child’s first dental visit should be scheduled around his/her first birthday.

In simply terms – First birthday – First teeth – First dental visit.

The most important part of the visit is to give a complete anticipatory guidance to parents and caretakers about oral health care and disease prevention.


We explain in detail about teething and teething related issues, teeth eruption pattern, baby bottle cavity prevention, feeding and dietary pattern, oral hygiene instructions and maintenance of infants gum pads and first aid management following dental emergency /broken tooth/ tooth fracture. 


It is also important to know and get familiar with the Pediatric dental clinic. A pleasant, comfortable first visit builds trust and helps the child at ease during future dental visits. 


If possible, the child is allowed to sit in a parent’s lap for an oral examination. If you are looking for a Pediatric dental care or kids dentist nearby, kindly call Dental Avenue and schedule an appointment with Pediatric dentist Dr. N. Senthil Kumaran. 


There is no wait time!

Our Prime Objective
To be the FIRST DENTIST for your CHILD.

Infant’s New Teeth

A child’s teeth start forming before birth. By age 1 year the primary or “baby” teeth push through the gums and erupt into the oral cavity. The lower front teeth erupts first, follow by the upper front teeth. 

A total of 20 primary teeth erupt by age 3. Most parents would be concerned about spacing in between each baby tooth; this is normal as it gives room for wide and large permanent tooth at later stage. 

Children with non-spaced primary teeth are more prone to have crooked adult teeth due to lack of space. To know more about dental care for children, kindly call Dental Avenue and schedule an appointment with our experienced Pediatric dentist, Dr. N. Senthil Kumaran (Dentist for kids).

Teething and teething related issues

Normally the first tooth erupts by age 1 year. The lower front tooth usually comes out first. The sequence and time of tooth eruption can vary. We can wait and watch for the first tooth to come until 15 months. 

Gums are sore, tender and sometimes irritable as tooth erupts. Rubbing sore gums gently with a clean finger, the back of a cold spoon or wet cloth helps soothe the gums. Teething rings, soft toys work well too. 

Drooling of saliva, swollen gums, irritability, rise in temperature and lack of sleep can be associated with teething. 

If you are looking for a Child dentist at a location near you, kindly reach out to our child friendly dental clinic. We are currently accepting new patients. We have been providing exceptional services for over 10 years.

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